Convergent evolution of monocyte differentiation in adult skin instructs Langerhans cell identity

Anna Appios, James Davies, Sofia Sirvent, Stephen Henderson, Sébastien Trzebanski, Johannes Schroth, Morven L. Law, Inês Boal Carvalho, Marlene Magalhaes Pinto, Cyril Carvalho, Howard Yuan Hao Kan, Shreya Lovlekar, Christina Major, Andres Vallejo, Nigel J. Hall, Michael Ardern-Jones, Zhaoyuan Liu, Florent Ginhoux, Sian M. Henson, Rebecca GentekElaine Emmerson, Steffen Jung, Marta E. Polak, Clare L. Bennett

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Langerhans cells (LCs) are distinct among phagocytes, functioning both as embryo-derived, tissue-resident macrophages in skin innervation and repair and as migrating professional antigen-presenting cells, a function classically assigned to dendritic cells (DCs). Here, we demonstrate that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors imprint this dual identity. Using ablation of embryo-derived LCs in the murine adult skin and tracking differentiation of incoming monocyte-derived replacements, we found intrinsic intraepidermal heterogeneity. We observed that ontogenically distinct monocytes give rise to LCs. Within the epidermis, Jagged-dependent activation of Notch signaling, likely within the hair follicle niche, provided an initial site of LC commitment before metabolic adaptation and survival of monocyte-derived LCs. In the human skin, embryo-derived LCs in newborns retained transcriptional evidence of their macrophage origin, but this was superseded by DC-like immune modules after postnatal expansion. Thus, adaptation to adult skin niches replicates conditioning of LC at birth, permitting repair of the embryo-derived LC network.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbereadp0344
    JournalScience Immunology
    Issue number99
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024

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