Developing an Interstitial Ultrasound Applicator for Thermal Ablation in Liver: Results of Animal Experiments

Belhassen Seket, Cyril Lafon, François Mithieux, Cedric Goldenstedt, Christian Paquet, Jean Yves Chapelon, Jean Yves Scoazec, Michel Rivoire, Dominique Cathignol

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15 Citations (Scopus)


Background: In this project, an interstitial ultrasound applicator was developed for the treatment of primary and secondary cancers of the liver. Experiments on animals were used to check the destructive capabilities of this probe within the hepatic parenchyma of the pig in vivo, with a study of the physical parameters of the ultrasound treatment. In parallel, the possibility of visualizing the lesions induced by means of ultrasound imaging was also studied. Materials and methods: Thirteen pigs were used in this project, which had received the prior approval of the ethics committee of Lyon Veterinary School. Ultrasound lesions were performed by varying the physical parameters of the treatment (acoustic intensity and shot time) with the aim of obtaining larger and larger areas of destruction. An operative device was developed to ensure precision in treatments. Two types of lesions were performed: elementary lesions corresponding to single shots at 40° to 50° rotation intervals, and cylindrical lesions obtained by a continuous rotary deployment of the probe. The effect of hepatic pedicle clamping on the size of ultrasound lesions was studied. The aspect and dimension of the lesions were analyzed by means of operative ultrasound imaging and macroscopic examination. Histological analysis showed the impact of the treatment on the hepatic parenchyma. Results: This work made it possible to study the elementary ultrasound lesions produced by our probe. Seventy elementary ultrasound lesions were analyzed. Treatments could be performed on all pigs without any difficulty. There were no operative incidents. The ultrasound-induced elementary lesions showed complete necrosis, with lesion length of up to 37 mm obtained without resort to pedicle clamping; this must be considered as a radius of the final lesion obtained over a complete rotary deployment (360°), then a diameter of 7 cm of thermal ablation can theoretically be obtained. The effect of pedicle clamping was studied and showed improvement of the lesion length. Results of continuous rotary deployment of the probe were encouraging. Operative ultrasound imaging proved to be a simple tool for directing and positioning the applicator in the target zone on the one hand and which, on the other hand, enabled accurate, real-time visualization of the ultrasound lesions. On histological analysis, the ultrasound-induced necrosis was complete and well defined. Conclusion: This work shows that it is feasible to treat cancers of the liver using interstitial ultrasound probe. Thermal damage obtained on the hepatic parenchyma of pigs in vivo is complete and can be monitored using simple diagnostic ultrasound. The ultrasound parameters can be adapted to obtain destruction of variable size.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-89
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Surgical Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • computer-assisted
  • interstitial
  • liver cancer
  • local treatment
  • pedicle clamping
  • porcine liver
  • real-time imaging
  • thermal ablation
  • ultrasound therapy

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