Dynamic imaging response following radiation therapy predicts long-term outcomes for diffuse low-grade gliomas

Johan Pallud, Jean François Llitjos, Frédéric Dhermain, Pascale Varlet, Edouard Dezamis, Bertrand Devaux, Raphaëlle Souillard-Scémama, Nader Sanai, Maria Koziak, Philippe Page, Michel Schlienger, Catherine Daumas-Duport, Jean François Meder, Catherine Oppenheim, François Xavier Roux

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    56 Citations (Scopus)


    Quantitative imaging assessment of radiation therapy (RT) for diffuse low-grade gliomas (DLGG) by measuring the velocity of diametric expansion (VDE) over time has never been studied. We assessed the VDE changes following RT and determined whether this parameter can serve as a prognostic factor. We reviewed a consecutive series of 33 adults with supratentorial DLGG treated with first-line RT with available imaging follow-up (median follow-up, 103 months). Before RT, all patients presented with a spontaneous tumor volume increase (positive VDE, mean 5.9 mm/year). After RT, all patients demonstrated a tumor volume decrease (negative VDE, mean,-16.7 mm/year) during a mean 49-month duration. In univariate analysis, initial tumor volume (>100 cm3), lack of IDH1 expression, p53 expression, high proliferation index, and fast post-RT tumor volume decrease (VDE at-10 mm/year or faster, fast responders) were associated with a significantly shorter overall survival (OS). The median OS was significantly longer (120.8 months) for slow responders (post-RT VDE slower than-10.0 mm/year) than for fast responders (47.9 months). In multivariate analysis, fast responders, larger initial tumor volume, lack of IDH1 expression, and p53 expression were independent poor prognostic factors for OS. A high proliferation index was significantly more frequent in the fast responder subgroup than in the slow responder subgroup. We conclude that the pattern of post-RT VDE changes is an independent prognostic factor for DLGG and offers a quantitative parameter to predict long-term outcomes. We propose to monitor individually the post-RT VDE changes using MRI follow-up, with particular attention to fast responders.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)496-505
    Number of pages10
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2012


    • growth rates
    • low-grade glioma
    • prognosis
    • radiation therapy

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