Economic burden of resected (stage IB-IIIA) non-small cell lung cancer in France, Germany and the United Kingdom: A retrospective observational study (LuCaBIS)

Stefan Andreas, Christos Chouaid, Sarah Danson, Obukohwo Siakpere, Laure Benjamin, Rainer Ehness, Marie Hélène Dramard-Goasdoue, Janina Barth, Hans Hoffmann, Vanessa Potter, Fabrice Barlesi, Costel Chirila, Kelly Hollis, Carolyn Sweeney, Mark Price, Sorrel Wolowacz, James A. Kaye, Ilias Kontoudis

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Objectives: New adjuvant treatments are being developed for patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Due to scarcity of real-world data available for treatment costs and resource utilization, health technology and cost-effectiveness assessments can be limited. We estimated the burden and cost-of-illness associated with completely resected stage IB-IIIA NSCLC in France, Germany and the United Kingdom (UK). Materials and methods: Eligible patients were aged ≥18 years with completely resected stage IB-IIIA NSCLC between August 2009 and July 2012. Patients (living or deceased) were enrolled at clinical sites by a systematic sampling method. Data were obtained from medical records and patient surveys. Direct, indirect and patient out-of-pocket expenses were estimated by multiplying resource use by country-specific unit costs. National annual costs were estimated based on disease prevalence data available from published sources. Results: 39 centers provided data from 831 patients of whom patient surveys were evaluable in 306 patients. Median follow-up was 26 months. The mean total direct costs per patient during follow-up were: €19,057 (France), €14,185 (Germany), and €8377 (UK). The largest cost drivers were associated with therapies received (€12,375 France; €3694 UK), and hospitalization/emergency costs (€7706 Germany). Monthly direct costs per patient were the highest during the distant metastasis/terminal illness phase in France (€15,562) and Germany (€6047) and during the adjuvant treatment period in the UK (€2790). Estimated mean total indirect costs per patient were: €696 (France), €2476 (Germany), and €1414 (UK). Estimates for the annual national direct cost were €478.4 million (France), €574.6 million (Germany) and €325.8 million (UK). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study describing the burden of illness for patients with completely resected stage IB-IIIA NSCLC. The economic burden was substantial in all three countries. Treatment of NSCLC is associated with large annual national costs, mainly incurred during disease progression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)298-309
Number of pages12
JournalLung Cancer
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Adjuvant therapy
  • Cost of adverse event
  • Direct cost
  • Economic burden
  • Indirect cost
  • Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

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