Erratum to “Consolidative thoracic radiotherapy in stage IV small cell lung cancer: Selection of patients amongst European IASLC and ESTRO experts” [Radiother. Oncol. 135 (2019) 74–77](S0167814019300775)(10.1016/j.radonc.2019.02.010)

Paul Martin Putora, Markus Glatzer, Dirk De Ruysscher, Corinne Faivre-Finn, José Belderbos, Benjamin Besse, Fiona Blackhall, Raffaele Califano, Federico Cappuzzo, Filippo de Marinis, Rafal Dziadiuszko, Enriqueta Felip, Martin Früh, Pilar Garrido, Cecile Le Pechoux, Fiona McDonald, Ursula Nestle, Silvia Novello, Mary O' Brien, Luis Paz AresStephanie Peeters, Christoph Pöttgen, Sara Ramella, Martin Reck, Esther G.C. Troost, Paul Van Houtte, Virginie Westeel, Joachim Widder, Francoise Mornex, Ben J. Slotman

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


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    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)332
    Number of pages1
    JournalRadiotherapy and Oncology
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2019

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