Frequency and management of troponin i elevation in patients treated with molecular targeted therapies in phase i trials

Stephane Ederhy, Christophe Massard, Ghislaine Dufaitre, Ratio Balheda, Catherine Meuleman, Carlos Gomez Rocca, Hassane Izzedine, Ariel Cohen, Jean Charles Soria

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    35 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: Cardiotoxicity of Molecular Targeted Therapies (MTT) is poorly understood and is being investigated among patients with metastatic solid tumours. The frequency of cardiac events among patients receiving MTT has been evaluated in various ways, particularly troponin elevations. Patients and methods: We prospectively evaluated cardiotoxicity among patients included in Phase 1 trials receiving molecular targeted therapies (MTT) for a metastatic solid tumour. At baseline, all patients were examined before the first cycle and monitored including a clinical examination, ECG and troponin I measurement. A trans-thoracic echocardiography was performed at baseline and before each cycle. Patients were enrolled in different trials investigating : an anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody, anti-VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and a kinesin inhibitor. Results: Among the 90 patients evaluated, 10 (11%) experienced chest pain and troponin I elevation (n=2,20%) or asymptomatic troponin I elevation (n=8, 80%) during follow-up. All patients were re-evaluated at the time of symptoms or troponin I elevation with trans-thoracic echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance and coronary angiography. All except one patient, had a normal LVEF during their re-evaluation. One patient exhibited ECG changes (T wave inversion). No QTc interval prolongation was found. On cardiac magnetic resonance, no late gadolinium myocardial enhancement was observed. All coronary angiographies were normal (no occlusion, or coronary stenosis >50%). All patients received beta blockers and aspirin. All Patients were re-challenged with the study drug and no cardiotoxicity was observed during follow up. Conclusion: Troponin elevations are frequent among patients receiving molecular targeted therapies. Rechallenging these patients after a careful evaluation and under medical treatment seems to be possible. The mechanism underlying troponin elevations does not seem to be associated with coronary occlusion nor with toxic myocarditis.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)611-615
    Number of pages5
    JournalInvestigational New Drugs
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2012


    • Cancer
    • Cardiotoxicity
    • Molecular targeted therapies
    • Troponin I elevation

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