Immune-checkpoint inhibitors associated with interstitial lung disease in cancer patients

Myriam Delaunay, Jacques Cadranel, Amélie Lusque, Nicolas Meyer, Valérie Gounaut, Denis Moro-Sibilot, Jean Marie Michot, Judith Raimbourg, Nicolas Girard, Florian Guisier, David Planchard, Anne Cécile Metivier, Pascale Tomasini, Eric Dansin, Maurice Pérol, Marion Campana, Oliver Gautschi, Martin Früh, Jean David Fumet, Clarisse Audigier-ValetteSébastien Couraud, Stéphane Dalle, Marie Thérèse Leccia, Marion Jaffro, Samia Collot, Grégoire Prévot, Julie Milia, Julien Mazieres

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    335 Citations (Scopus)


    Immunotherapy is becoming a standard of care for many cancers. Immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) can generate immune-related adverse events. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) has been identified as a rare but potentially severe event. Between December 2015 and April 2016, we conducted a retrospective study in centres experienced in ICI use. We report the main features of ICI-ILD with a focus on clinical presentation, radiological patterns and therapeutic strategies. We identified 64 (3.5%) out of 1826 cancer patients with ICI-ILD. Patients mainly received programmed cell death-1 inhibitors. ILD usually occurred in males, and former or current smokers, with a median age of 59 years. We observed 65.6% grade 2/3 severity, 9.4% grade 4 severity and 9.4% fatal ILD. The median (range) time from initiation of immunotherapy to ILD was 2.3 (0.2-27.4) months. Onset tended to occur earlier in lung cancer versus melanoma: median 2.1 and 5.2 months, respectively (p=0.02). Ground-glass opacities (81.3%) were the predominant lesions, followed by consolidations (53.1%). Organising pneumonia (23.4%) and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (15.6%) were the most common patterns. Overall survival at 6 months was 58.1% (95% CI 37.7-73.8%). ICI-ILD often occurs early and displays suggestive radiological features. As there is no clearly identified risk factor, oncologists need to diagnose and adequately treat this adverse event.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEuropean Respiratory Journal
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2017

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