Impact of resident rotations on critically Ill patient outcomes: Results of a French multicenter observational study

Benjamin G. Chousterman, Romain Pirracchio, Bertrand Guidet, Philippe Aegerter, Herve Mentec, P. Trouiller, J. P. Bedos, A. Vieillard-Baron, Y. Cohen, J. Labrousse, M. Safar, C. Richard, M. Wolff, G. Choukroun, J. P. Mira, B. Verdière, P. Kalfon, J. Y. Fagon, P. Ho, C. Brun-BuissonA. Rabbat, F. Blot, C. Baillard, D. Dreyfus, F. Baud, C. Bornstain, L. Pallot, H. Bismuth, T. Similowski, J. Chastre, F. Bolgert, J. L. Ricome, H. Outin, F. Santoli, D. Annane, B. Misset, B. Schlemmer, L. Jacob, M. Fartoukh, F. Bonnet

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    Purpose The impact of resident rotation on patient outcomes in the intensive care unit (ICU) has been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to address this question using a large ICU database. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the French CUB-REA database. French residents rotate every six months. Two periods were compared: the first (POST) and fifth (PRE) months of the rotation. The primary endpoint was ICU mortality. The secondary endpoints were the length of ICU stay (LOS), the number of organ supports, and the duration of mechanical ventilation (DMV). The impact of resident rotationwas explored using multivariate regression, classification tree and random forest models. Results 262,772 patients were included between 1996 and 2010 in the database. The patient characteristicswere similar between the PRE (n = 44,431) and POST (n = 49,979) periods. Multivariate analysis did not reveal any impact of resident rotation on ICU mortality(OR = 1.01, 95% CI = 0.94; 1.07, p = 0.91). Based on the classification trees, the SAPS II and the number of organ failures were the strongest predictors of ICU mortality. In the less severe patients (SAPS II24), the POST periodwas associated with increased mortality(OR =1.65, 95%CI = 1.17 2.33, p = 0.004). After adjustment, no significant association was observed between the rotation period and the LOS, the number of organ supports, or the DMV. Conclusion Resident rotation exerts no impact on overall ICU mortality at French teaching hospitals but might affect the prognosis of less severe ICU patients. Surveillance should be reinforced when treating those patients.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere0162552
    JournalPLoS ONE
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016

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