Improved outcome by adding concurrent chemotherapy to cetuximab and radiotherapy for locally advanced head and neck carcinomas: Results of the GORTEC 2007-01 Phase III Randomized Trial

Yungan Tao, Anne Auperin, Christian Sire, Laurent Martin, Cedric Khoury, Philippe Maingon, Etienne Bardet, Marie Christine Kaminsky, Michel Lapeyre, Thierry Chatellier, Marc Alfonsi, Yoann Pointreau, Eric Jadaud, Bernard Géry, Ayman Zawadi, Jean Marc Tourani, Brigitte Laguerre, Alexandre Coutte, Séverine Racadot, Ali HasbiniEmanuelle Malaurie, Christian Borel, Nicolas Meert, Alexandre Cornely, Nathalie Ollivier, Odile Casiraghi, Xu Shan Sun, Jean Bourhis

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    57 Citations (Scopus)


    Purpose To investigate the effect of adding concurrent chemotherapy (CT) to cetuximab plus radiotherapy (RT; CT-cetux-RT) compared with cetuximab plus RT (cetux-RT) in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA-SCCHN). Patients and Methods In this phase III randomized trial, patients with N0-2b, nonoperated, stage III or IV (nonmetastatic) LA-SCCHN were enrolled. Patients received once-daily RT up to 70 Gy with weekly cetuximab or with weekly cetuximab and concurrent carboplatin and fluorouracil (three cycles). To detect a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.64 for progression-free survival (PFS) with 85% power at a two-sided significance level of P = .05, 203 patients needed to be included in each arm. Results Four hundred six patients were randomly assigned to either CT-cetux-RT or cetux-RT. Patient and tumor characteristics were well balanced between arms, including p16 status. With a median followup of 4.4 years, the HR for PFS favored the CT-cetux-RT arm (HR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.57 to 0.94; P = .015), with 3-year PFS rates of 52.3% and 40.5% and median PFS times of 37.9 and 22.4 months in the CT-cetux-RT and cetux-RT arms, respectively. The HR for locoregional control was 0.54 (95% CI, 0.38 to 0.76; P < .001) in favor of CT-cetux-RT. These benefits were observed regardless of p16 status for oropharynx carcinomas. Overall survival (HR, 0.80; P = .11) and distant metastases rates (HR, 1.19; P = .50) were not significantly different between the two arms. The CT-cetux-RT arm, compared with cetux-RT, had a higher incidence of grade 3 or 4 mucositis (73% v 61%, respectively; P = .014) and of hospitalizations for toxicity (42% v 22%, respectively; P < .001). Conclusion The addition of concurrent carboplatin and fluorouracil to cetux-RT improved PFS and locoregional control, with a nonsignificant gain in survival. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a clinical benefit for treatment intensification using cetux-RT as a backbone in LA-SCCHN.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3084-3090
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Clinical Oncology
    Issue number31
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2018

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