Management of pathogenic CDH1 variant carriers within the FREGAT network a multicentric retrospective study

Capucine Bres, Thibault Voron, Leonor Benhaim, Damien Bergeat, Yann Parc, Mehdi Karoui, Laurent Genser, Guillaume Pere, Jonathan A. Demma, Ophelie Bacoeur-Ouzillou, Gil Lebreton, Jeremie Thereaux, Caroline Gronnier, Peggy Dartigues, Magali Svrcek, Guillaume Bouzille, Armelle Bardier, Anne C. Brunac, Brigitte Roche, Claude DarchaCeline Bazille, Laurent Doucet, Genevieve Belleannee, Sophie Lejeune, Marie P. Buisine, Florence Renaud, Frederiek Nuytens, Patrick R. Benusiglio, Julie Veziant, Clarisse Eveno, Guillaume Piessen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Objective: To describe the management of pathogenic CDH1 variant carriers (pCDH1vc) within the FREGAT (FRench Eso-GAsTric tumor) network. Primary objective focused on clinical outcomes and pathological findings, Secondary objective was to identify risk factor predicting postoperative morbidity (POM). Background: Prophylactic total gastrectomy (PTG) remains the recommended option for gastric cancer risk management in pCDH1vc with, however, endoscopic surveillance as an alternative. Methods: A retrospective observational multicenter study was carried out between 2003 and 2021. Data were reported as median (interquartile range) or as counts (proportion). Usual tests were used for univariate analysis. Risk factors of overall and severe POM (ie, Clavien-Dindo grade 3 or more) were identified with a binary logistic regression. Results: A total of 99 patients including 14 index cases were reported from 11 centers. Median survival among index cases was 12.0 (7.6–16.4) months with most of them having peritoneal carcinomatosis at diagnosis (71.4%). Among the remaining 85 patients, 77 underwent a PTG [median age = 34.6 (23.7–46.2), American Society of Anesthesiologists score 1: 75%] mostly via a minimally invasive approach (51.9%). POM rate was 37.7% including 20.8% of severe POM, with age 40 years and above and low-volume centers as predictors (P = 0.030 and 0.038). After PTG, the cancer rate on specimen was 54.5% (n = 42, all pT1a) of which 59.5% had no cancer detected on preoperative endoscopy (n = 25). Conclusions: Among pCDH1vc, index cases carry a dismal prognosis. The risk of cancer among patients undergoing PTG remained high and unpredictable and has to be balanced with the morbidity and functional consequence of PTG.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)830-837
    Number of pages8
    JournalAnnals of Surgery
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022


    • CDH1 mutation
    • Gastrectomy
    • Morbidity
    • Prophylactic surgery

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