Phase i dose-escalation studies of roniciclib, a pan-cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, in advanced malignancies

Rastislav Bahleda, Juneko E. Grilley-Olson, Ramaswamy Govindan, Fabrice Barlesi, Laurent Greillier, Maurice Perol, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Dirk Strumberg, Beate Schultheis, Grace K. Dy, Gérard Zalcman, Glen J. Weiss, Annette O. Walter, Martin Kornacker, Prabhu Rajagopalan, David Henderson, Hendrik Nogai, Matthias Ocker, Jean Charles Soria

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25 Citations (Scopus)


Background:To evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics, and maximum tolerated dose of roniciclib in patients with advanced malignancies, with dose expansion to evaluate clinical benefit at the recommended phase II dose (RP2D).Methods:Two phase I dose-escalation studies evaluated two roniciclib dosing schedules: 3 days on/4 days off or 4 weeks on/2 weeks off. The expansion phase included patients with small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), ovarian cancer, or tumour mutations involving the CDK signalling pathway.Results:Ten patients were evaluable in the 4 weeks on/2 weeks off schedule (terminated following limited tolerability) and 47 in the 3 days on/4 days off schedule dose-escalation cohorts. On the 3 days on/4 days off schedule, RP2D was 5 mg twice daily in solid tumours (n=40); undetermined in lymphoid malignancies (n=7). Common roniciclib-related adverse events included nausea (76.6%), fatigue (65.8%), diarrhoea (63.1%), and vomiting (57.7%). Roniciclib demonstrated rapid absorption and dose-proportional increase in exposure. One partial response (1.0%) was observed. In RP2D expansion cohorts, the disease control rate (DCR) was 40.9% for patients with ovarian cancer (n=25), 17.4% for patients with SCLC (n=33), and 33.3% for patients with CDK-related tumour mutations (n=6).Conclusions:Roniciclib demonstrated an acceptable safety profile and moderate DCR in 3 days on/4 days off schedule.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1505-1512
Number of pages8
JournalBritish Journal of Cancer
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • CDK inhibitor
  • roniciclib
  • solid tumours

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