Prognostic value of initial surgical procedure for patients with uterine sarcoma: Analysis of 123 patients

P. Morice, A. Rodriguez, A. Rey, P. Pautier, D. Atallah, C. Genestie, C. Pomel, C. Lhommé, C. Haie-Meder, P. Duvillard, D. Castaigne

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    Background: The aim of this series was to study the clinical impact of initial surgical management, particularly of uterine morcellation, on patients treated for uterine sarcoma (US). Patients and methods: Clinical data of 157 patients treated for US in our institution were analyzed. Data concerning this initial management was available in 123 patients. We consider as "uterine morcellation" the following procedures: hysterectomy (vaginal or laparoscopic) with uterine "morcellation" described in the surgical report, myomectomy, operative hysteroscopy or simple biopsy of the tumor. The clinical outcome considered as related to the initial surgical procedure was the rate of pelvic recurrence at three months. Results: Of the 123 patients for whom data concerning initial surgical management was available, uterine morcellation was performed in 34 (28%). One-hundred and sixteen patients had a follow-up ≥ 3 months after surgery. Recurrence was observed in 87 patients. Six had a pelvic recurrence within three months following the end of the treatment. The rates of pelvic recurrence at three months according or not to uterine morcellation were 3/31 (8.82%) and 3/79 (3.66%) respectively (p = 0.25). The rates of pelvic recurrences at six months were not different in either group (10% versus 10.4%). Overall and disease-free survival were similar in both groups. Conclusion: In this preliminary study, the rates of pelvic recurrence at three months was increased in patients who underwent uterine morcellation for US but this difference was not statistically significant. A prospective study should be performed in order to clarify the prognostic value of initial surgery in patients treated for US and to recommend an adequate surgical management for patients in whom the diagnosis of uterine sarcoma is suspected before the surgical procedure.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)237-240
    Number of pages4
    JournalEuropean Journal of Gynaecological Oncology
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2003


    • Hysterectomy
    • Laparotomy
    • Recurrence
    • Uterine morcellation
    • Uterine sarcoma

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