Simulation–extrapolation method to address errors in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates, 1950–2003

Rodrigue S. Allodji, Boris Schwartz, Ibrahima Diallo, Césaire Agbovon, Dominique Laurier, Florent de Vathaire

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Analyses of the Life Span Study (LSS) of Japanese atomic bombing survivors have routinely incorporated corrections for additive classical measurement errors using regression calibration. Recently, several studies reported that the efficiency of the simulation–extrapolation method (SIMEX) is slightly more accurate than the simple regression calibration method (RCAL). In the present paper, the SIMEX and RCAL methods have been used to address errors in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates. For instance, it is shown that using the SIMEX method, the ERR/Gy is increased by an amount of about 29 % for all solid cancer deaths using a linear model compared to the RCAL method, and the corrected EAR 10−4 person-years at 1 Gy (the linear terms) is decreased by about 8 %, while the corrected quadratic term (EAR 10−4 person-years/Gy2) is increased by about 65 % for leukaemia deaths based on a linear-quadratic model. The results with SIMEX method are slightly higher than published values. The observed differences were probably due to the fact that with the RCAL method the dosimetric data were partially corrected, while all doses were considered with the SIMEX method. Therefore, one should be careful when comparing the estimated risks and it may be useful to use several correction techniques in order to obtain a range of corrected estimates, rather than to rely on a single technique. This work will enable to improve the risk estimates derived from LSS data, and help to make more reliable the development of radiation protection standards.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)273-283
Number of pages11
JournalRadiation and Environmental Biophysics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Atomic bomb survivor dosimetry
  • Measurement error
  • SIMEX method
  • Solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates

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