State of the human proteome in 2013 as viewed through peptideatlas: Comparing the kidney, urine, and plasma proteomes for the biology- and disease-driven human proteome project

Terry Farrah, Eric W. Deutsch, Gilbert S. Omenn, Zhi Sun, Julian D. Watts, Tadashi Yamamoto, David Shteynberg, Micheleen M. Harris, Robert L. Moritz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

116 Citations (Scopus)


The kidney, urine, and plasma proteomes are intimately related: proteins and metabolic waste products are filtered from the plasma by the kidney and excreted via the urine, while kidney proteins may be secreted into the circulation or released into the urine. Shotgun proteomics data sets derived from human kidney, urine, and plasma samples were collated and processed using a uniform software pipeline, and relative protein abundances were estimated by spectral counting. The resulting PeptideAtlas builds yielded 4005, 2491, and 3553 nonredundant proteins at 1% FDR for the kidney, urine, and plasma proteomes, respectively - for kidney and plasma, the largest high-confidence protein sets to date. The same pipeline applied to all available human data yielded a 2013 Human PeptideAtlas build containing 12 644 nonredundant proteins and at least one peptide for each of ∼14 000 Swiss-Prot entries, an increase over 2012 of ∼7.5% of the predicted human proteome. We demonstrate that abundances are correlated between plasma and urine, examine the most abundant urine proteins not derived from either plasma or kidney, and consider the biomarker potential of proteins associated with renal decline. This analysis forms part of the Biology and Disease-driven Human Proteome Project (B/D-HPP) and is a contribution to the Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) special issue.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-75
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Proteome Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Human Proteome Project
  • LC-MS/MS
  • PeptideAtlas
  • database
  • kidney
  • plasma
  • proteome comparison
  • urine

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