Systematic Screening of COVID-19 Disease Based on Chest CT and RT-PCR for Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy in a Coronavirus French Hotspot

Roger Sun, Samir Achkar, Samy Ammari, Sophie Bockel, Emmanuelle Gallois, Arnaud Bayle, Enzo Battistella, Flore Salviat, Mansouria Merad, Adrien Laville, Kanta Ka, Franck Griscelli, Laurence Albiges, Fabrice Barlesi, Alberto Bossi, Sofia Rivera, Cyrus Chargari, Eric Deutsch

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    8 Citations (Scopus)


    Purpose: Patients with cancer are presumed to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. We evaluated a screening strategy combining chest computed tomography (CT) and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for patients treated with radiation therapy at our cancer center located in a COVID-19 French hotspot during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods and Materials: Chest CT images were proposed during radiation therapy CT simulation. Images were reviewed by an expert radiologist according to the COVID-19 Reporting and Data System classification. Nasal swabs with RT-PCR assay were initially proposed in cases of suspicious imaging or clinical context and were eventually integrated into the systematic screening. A dedicated radiation therapy workflow was proposed for COVID-19 patients to limit the risk of contamination. Results: From March 18, 2020 to May 1, 2020, 480 patients were screened by chest CT, and 313 patients had both chest CT and RT-PCR (65%). The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was 5.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.6-7.8; 26 of 480 patients). Diagnosis of COVID-19 was made before radiation therapy for 22 patients (84.6%) and during RT for 4 patients (15.3%). Chest CT directly aided the diagnosis of 7 cases in which the initial RT-PCR was negative or not feasible, out of a total of 480 patients (1.5%) and 517 chest CT acquisitions. Four patients with COVID-19 at the time of the chest CT screening had a false negative CT. Sensitivity and specificity of chest CT screening in patients with both RT-PCR and chest CT testing were estimated at 0.82 (95% CI, 0.60-0.95) and 0.98 (95% CI, 0.96-0.99), respectively. Adaptation of the radiation therapy treatment was made for all patients, with 7 postponed treatments (median: 5 days; interquartile range, 1.5-14.8). Conclusions: The benefit of systematic use of chest CT screening during CT simulation for patients undergoing radiation therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic seemed limited.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)947-956
    Number of pages10
    JournalInternational Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2021

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