Vocal fold mobility as the main prognostic factor of treatment outcomes and survival in stage II squamous cell carcinomas of the glottic larynx

P. Gorphe, P. Blanchard, I. Breuskin, S. Temam, Y. Tao, F. Janot

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    14 Citations (Scopus)


    Objective: This study aimed to assess the influence of supra-and subglottic extensions and vocal fold mobility on outcome in a large monocentric cohort of 148 patients treated for tumour-node-metastasis stage T2N0 glottic carcinomas. Methods: In all, 107 glottic carcinoma patients had normal vocal fold mobility (T2aN0), and 41 had impaired vocal fold mobility (T2bN0). Treatment decisions were made by a multidisciplinary team. Results: Vocal fold mobility was associated with overall survival, disease-free survival, local control, larynx preservation and laryngectomy-free survival. For patients with T2a lesions, local control, laryngectomy-free survival and disease-free survival improved after surgery but overall survival did not. For patients with T2b lesions, local control, laryngectomy-free survival, disease-free survival and overall survival were all higher after surgery than after radiotherapy. Conclusion: This study highlights for the first time the importance of vocal fold mobility in treatment outcomes and is the first to assess its influence on survival. Updated tumour-node-metastasis classifications should consider the distinction between T2a and T2b lesions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)903-909
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Laryngology and Otology
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2015


    • Glottis
    • Laryngeal Neoplasms
    • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    • Treatment Outcome
    • Vocal Cords

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