Contrast-enhanced brain MRI synthesis with deep learning: Key input modalities and asymptotic performance

Alexandre Bone, Samy Ammari, Jean Philippe Lamarque, Mickael Elhaik, Emilie Chouzenoux, Francois Nicolas, Philippe Robert, Corinne Balleyguier, Nathalie Lassau, Marc Michel Rohe

    Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collection!!Conference contributionRevue par des pairs

    13 Citations (Scopus)


    Contrast-enhanced medical images offer vital insights for the accurate diagnosis, characterization and treatment of tumors, and are routinely used worldwide. Acquiring such images requires to inject the patient intravenously with a gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA). Although GBCAs are considered safe, recent concerns about their accumulation in the body tilted the medical consensus towards a more parsimonious usage. Focusing on the case of brain magnetic resonance imaging, this paper proposes a deep learning method that synthesizes virtual contrast-enhanced T1 images as if they had been acquired after the injection of a standard 0.100mmol/kg dose of GBCA, taking as inputs complementary imaging modalities obtained either after a reduced injection at 0.025mmol/kg or without any GBCA involved. The method achieves a competitive structural similarity index of 94.2%. Its asymptotic performance is estimated, and the most important input modalities are identified.

    langue originaleAnglais
    titre2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2021
    EditeurIEEE Computer Society
    Nombre de pages5
    ISBN (Electronique)9781665412469
    Les DOIs
    étatPublié - 13 avr. 2021
    Evénement18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2021 - Nice, France
    Durée: 13 avr. 202116 avr. 2021

    Série de publications

    NomProceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
    ISSN (imprimé)1945-7928
    ISSN (Electronique)1945-8452

    Une conférence

    Une conférence18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2021
    La villeNice

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