Resistance to chemical castration: Second-line hormonal treatment

Yohann Loriot, Christophe Massard, Karim Fizazi

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    Although advanced prostate cancer is sensitive to androgen deprivation therapy, the disease finally becomes resistant and progresses into a state called “castration-resistant prostate cancer” which is currently incurable. Several options are available including secondary hormonal manipulations since androgen receptor pathway remains the main oncogenic driver in this setting. Hormonal manipulations include androgen inhibitor withdrawal, the use estrogen therapy, or ketoconazole. More recently, studies on new drugs targeting either adrenal secretion of androgen (such as abiraterone acetate) or second-generation androgen receptor inhibitor (such as MDV3100) showed meaningful clinical benefit for patients with metastatic CRPC. Many other drugs are under preclinical and clinical investigations to better understand their role in the treatment of CRPC.

    langue originaleAnglais
    titreManagement of Prostate Cancer
    Sous-titreA Multidisciplinary Approach
    EditeurSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
    Nombre de pages9
    ISBN (Electronique)9783642275975
    ISBN (imprimé)9783642275968
    Les DOIs
    étatPublié - 1 janv. 2012

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